Introducing Bhojapu

Entry of Bhojapu in WordCamp Darbar
Ba-Adab, Ba-mulahiza hoshiyar, WordPress Naresh, WordCamp Vidhata, Sarvagya Gyani, Prisiddh Jyotish, #WCBhopal Praja ke Rakhwale, Shahenshao ke Shahensha – ‘Bhojapu’ padhar rahe hai!

Communities Member Whispering, “Who’s Bhojapu”?
Everyone confused and muttering to each other – Who is this legend? And why any of WordPress members aren’t aware of yet? Well, breaking the suspense and relieving the identity of this iconic star in the history of WordCamp, one of the team members announces- “Bhojapu is going to rule WordCamp Bhopal this year and everyone has to contribute to his efforts of leaving no stone unturned to make it a huge success.

About Bhojapu
Bhojapu got his name as a tribute to Raja Bhoj, the royal dignitary of Bhopal who was a well-known righteous scholar king in his time. Thus WordCamp Bhopal Wappu was named as ‘Bhojapu’. Bhojapu is the best-known patron of arts, literature, and sciences just like Raja Bhoj. He had sculpted the current day culture, language, and lifestyle of Bhopal in his writings. The literature in his 84 books comprises of the predicted events and encounters of Bhopal which is certain to happen. Our modern day astrologer is now writing the scenes of WordCamp Bhopal in golden words.

WordCamp Preparation
All the team members of WC Bhopal have assembled on his call and are duly
committed to his orders. Everyone has gird up their loins to make WordCamp
Bhopal a red day in the history of The City of Lakes. Bhojapu has been seen assigning tasks to the WC Bhopal team and everyone is religiously following him.

Call to Action
Then what are you waiting for? Your assigned task is to attend WordCamp Bhopal 2017 in LNCT premises. Make sure to mark your presence in it otherwise Bhojapu had already planned future of yours

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